5 Security Tips for Working Remotely

Posted in: Resources » Blog

COVID-19 has dramatically changed how we do our jobs. Offices are shut down and working remotely is the new normal. Our business continuity planners at Assura thought it might be a good time to share some tips on safely working from home to keep you up and running while protecting your data. Reference these practices while you start your new daily routines to get started on the right (and secure) foot.

  1. Ensure your devices are protected
    All devices, operating systems and software applications should be up to date with the latest patches and versions. Make sure you’ve got the newest Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware updates in place. Don’t let an unpatched laptop or mobile device cripple your company.
  2. Encrypt the storage on your device
    Most devices include native encryption tools such as BitLocker – be sure to use them, or your company’s choice of software. Computers and phones are a must!
  3. Keep work data on work computers and encrypt emails
    Avoid using unencrypted personal devices such as USB sticks or external hard drives. 14% of cyber exploits happen with USBs/external devices. Also, keep your emails encrypted. Without it, it’s easier for your correspondence and attachments to be intercepted as they fly through the IoT.
  4. Secure your home Wi-Fi network and practice safe browsing
    Always keep your home Wi-Fi password protected with long, complex passwords and WPA2 encryption. Use safe browsing practices as you work online to reduce the chance of compromise. This includes only visiting secure sites with valid certificates and limiting exposure to potential malware sources, such as spam, phishing, and unverified downloads.
  5. Use a VPN
    Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) ensures that all the data transferred between the home user and the office network is encrypted and protected in transit. Make sure you’re using one when off your companies’ network.

If you’d like to find out more on how you can keep your data safe or have any questions about business continuity and cyber security, drop us a line on our website using our online chat feature. You can also give us a call and chat with one of our Virtual ISOs, completely free of charge. We want to do our best to help you get through this!